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DayCreek.com - The site is devoted to a number of self-sufficiency subjects, highlighting cordwood masonry house building.
Earthwood Cordwood Homes - More information on cordwood construction. Pretty interesting stuff, here.
Cordwood Discussion Board - Join the cordwood discussion board on Yahoo. Practical help, techniques and more. Join a building project and learn the skills first-hand.
Guided Tour of Rammed Earth Tire Homes - This is the "Yellow Mountain" Site that explains all about building a home out of . . . that's right, used tires . . . and aluminum cans! If it's not here, they point you in the right direction.
Earthships! - The Solar Survival Home Page. Lots of information about Rammed Earth Tire Homes.
Earthship Landing - No, it's not an alien page. Yes, it is yet another page about earthships. Great pictures though, and a good first site to go to for an overview.
Surfin' Strawbale! - The most comprehensive list of links on strawbale construction that we've found . . . so far.
May's Strawbale Construction - Here is another strawbale site. Not much in the way of instruction, but great for ideas. Features short write-ups (with photos) of about eight different (actual) strawbale houses.
Monolithic Dome Institute - A relatively new construction method that boasts high strength, excellent insulation . . . and affordability. Worth checking out.
Davis Caves Construction (c) - Earth-sheltered housing contractor.
Free Spirit Spheres - Okay, this one's a bit strange . . . but very interesting. Here you will find spherical treehouses that hang from ropes up in the canopy of a woods or forest. Worth a look.
Mr. Solar - Your contact point for information, products and services about every aspect of solar, wind & water power.
Home Power Magazine - A great site for a great magazine. Lots of online articles. One drawback: Many are in pdf format and this writer has difficulty printing these.
Survival Community Network - SCN is composed of individuals and communities from various locations throughout the world who are looking for others of like mind to form survival groups and share survival-related information. SCN is also in the process of establishing coordinators throughout the United States and in various countries. Worth a visit . . . well-organized . . . no wasted time here. [Disclaimer: Recognizing that a high percentage of Big Fringe visitors are Christian, we feel it prudent to point out that, although the SCN site is fairly straightforward, there is indeed an element of non-Christian/mystical influence, particularly among the various network listings and within the "Safe Areas" section -- and other areas. Nevertheless, they are fairly balanced. The fact that they have links to the "Salem New Age Center" and "The John Birch Society" on the same page ought to tell you something.]
NOTE: The following websites have done an incredible amount of work in order to provide a wealth of information regarding Y2K. Rather than attempting to duplicate their efforts, we are here trying to bring you the broadest perspective in the fewest number of links. By bookmarking THIS PAGE, you are assured of maintaining access to the most comprehensive information available on the year 2000 computer problem. If you know of a UNIQUE Y2K site that is not on our list, please send us the URL.
year2000.com - This is Peter De Jager's very informative and very helpful y2k site. Includes an exhaustive year 2000 vendor list . . . and even cartoons!
Ed Yourdon's Home Page - Great articles from an expert in the field. Yourdon writes regularly for Computerworld and provides a wonderful web site with lots of pertinent information and thought-provoking commentary.
The Cassandra Project - A well-organized site dealing with the problems of Y2K and the associated risks to public health and safety. Features a number of links to suppliers of items you may need on "The Day After".
Gary North's Y2K Home Page - Perhaps the main site on the 'net regarding the position that it's too late to actually fix the problem . . . and therefore, what you need to do to deal with it. Highly controversial site quoted by all sides in the argument.
RighTime PC Fix - Go here to pick up a FREE test program that checks to see if your PC is y2k compliant. Depending on the results, you can also order a reasonably priced software fix and non-business computers can get a free fix.
Coming Soon - Stay tuned for links in this category!